Boley Park Community Hall Boley Park Community Centre

Boley Park               
       Community Hall


Contact Us

We are located by the Co-op on Boley Park. For a map, click HERE ]

Parking is available adjacent on the Co-op car park at all times without charge.

to Contact us, please complete the following form, and then press the 'send' button at the bottom. Don't forget to state the nature of your inquiry, and your E-Mail address for reply if you have one.

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Privacy Policy

This website does not use cookies and no information is collected by visitors other than by the use of the Contact Page.

Information collected by the Contact Page is used by us to handle your enquiries, and retained on our system in order to communicate with you and respond accordingly. If this information is not used for an ongoing relationship, then after twelve months it will be deleted.

Any personal information you provide on the enquiry form is kept safe and secure in line with data protection legislation and no information provided by vistitors will be passed on to third parties unless specifically requested so to do.

Under data protection you have the right to have your information updated, a right to request deletion and a right to object to processing. You can also request a copy of the information we hold about you. If you wish to request any of these, or have any questions about how your data is used, please contact us on the email address provided. You do have the right to complain to the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) if you have concerns about the way your personal data is being handled but please contact us first so we can try and resolve it.

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